• 76971338

This Die-cast metal airplane model comes in 1:144 scale with plastic stand and is

approximately 5 1/2 inches long with 7 3/4 inch wingspan.
The C-47 Skytrain developed from the Douglas DC-3 which was designed for

commercial passenger service in the early 1930's. Entering service in 1935, the

DC-3 was quickly adapted for military transport service and designated as the C-47

Skytrain. World War II saw high demand for the reliable C-47, with over 10,000

produced. The C-47's played a key role on D-Day during the Allied invasion of

Normandy in Operation Overlord, June of 1944.
That's All Brother led the formation of 800 other C-47's from which approximately

13,000 paratroopers jumped on D-Day, June 6, 1944. "That's All Brother" was chosen

by John M. Donalson, commander of the 87th Troop Carrier Squadron, who flew

the plane during the operation, as a message to Adolf Hitler. It has been restored to

its 1944 condition and is part of the Commemorative Air Force. Adult Collectible ages 14+


This Die-cast metal airplane model comes in 1:144 scale with plastic stand and is

approximately 5 1/2 inches long with 7 3/4 inch wingspan. The C-47 Skytrain

developed from the Douglas DC-3™ which was designed for commercial passenger

service in the early 1930's. Entering service in 1935, the DC-3 was quickly adapted

for military transport service and designated as the C-47 Skytrain. World War II saw

high demand for the reliable C-47, with over 10,000 produced. The C-47's played a

key role on D-Day, dropping over 50,000 paratroopers during the Allied invasion of

Normandy in Operation Overlord, June of 1944.
"Tico Belle" flew with the 82nd Airborne Division out of Ramsbury on D-day and

survived to serve additional missions for the liberation of Europe. It was restored in

flying condition on July 2009, and is the flagship aircraft of the Valiant Air Command

Warbird Museum in Titusville, FL. Adult Collectible ages 14+


The Junkers JU 87 Stuka was a German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft used

during World War II. With its distinctive gull wings, spatted undercarriage and mounted

wailing sirens, dubbed the "Jericho Trumpet", the Stuka was instrumental in the early

blitzkrieg victories of the war and became a symbol of German air-power. The Stuka

had a 2-man crew that would drop bombs with astonishing accuracy. They had

innovative dive brakes to slow the dive and give the pilot more time to aim his bomb,

with automatic pull-up in case of g-induced blackout. Although the Stukas were very

effective against ground and naval targets and were used throughout the war, they

proved no match against faster enemy fighters.
This JU 87 was used mainly as a low-altitude ground attack aircraft towards the end

of the war and surrendered at Furth in May, 1945 Adult collectible 14+


Developed by Bell Helicopter, the “Huey” was nicknamed after the phonetic sound

of its original designation, the HU-1 Iroquois. In 1962 the designation was changed to

UH-1, but “Huey” remained and became so popular that Bell began casting the name

on the helicopter’s anti-torque pedals. The Huey was developed in 1952 in order to

meet the United States Army’s requirement for a medical evacuation and utility helicopter.

With its first flight on October 20, 1956, the Huey began arriving in Vietnam in 1963.

Used for MEDEVAC, command and control, and air assault, Hueys became, more than

any other aircraft, a symbol of the Vietnam War. The Huey’s ability to carry patients

inside the aircraft was a key element in the reduction of mortality and morbidity.

Medical personnel could begin treatment during the flight to a field hospital, reducing

the average delay until treatment to one hour, helping to reduce the mortality rate to

1 death per 100 casualties. With the unmistakable sound of its blades, the sound of an

approaching Huey was said by those that served in Vietnam to be the sound of rescue,

the sound of freedom and the sound of going home. This 1:87 scale Die-cast metal

model is approximately 5 7/8 inches long with 5 1/2 inch rotor diameter. Tail rotor is

1 3/16 inches in diameter. Model's maximum length is 7" and maximum width is

5 1/2 inches. Comes with plastic display stand. Adult Collectible ages 14+


The Bell UH-1 Iroquois, is a military helicopter developed for the United States Army

used for the transport of cargo and quick deployment of troops on the battlefield, as

well as medical evacuation, and close aerial support. The original designation of

HU-1 led to the helicopter's nickname of Huey. Because of its achievements, the

Huey became an iconic symbol of the Vietnam War. It was the first helicopter used

in numbers, as one aerial unit. There were approximately 7,000 UH-1 aircraft in

service during the Vietnam War. This 1:87 scale Die-cast metal model is approximately

5 7/8 inches long with 5 1/2 inch rotor diameter. Tail rotor is 1 3/16 inches in diameter

. Model's maximum length is 7" and maximum width is 5 1/2 inches. Comes with

plastic display stand. Adult Collectible ages 14+


This Die-cast metal airplane model comes in 1:300 scale with plastic stand and is

approximately 5 1/2 inches long with 4 1/2 inch wingspan. Adult Collectible ages 14+

The 737-800 is the most ordered variant of the 737 Next Generation and was launched

as the third-generation derivative of the 737 Classic with substantial design changes and

numerous updates to the preceding variants of the aircraft. The Boeing 737-800, which

was introduced in September 1994, is a stretched version of the 737-700 and can be

configured to generally seat between 162 and 189 passengers. 7,099 aircrafts were

built as of December 2022.

United Airlines is a major American airline headquartered at the Willis Tower in Chicago,

Illinois. United operates a large domestic and international route network spanning cities

large and small across the United States and all six inhabited continents.


The 737-800 is a stretch version of the 737 Next Generation of short to medium

range, norrow body jet airliners. It replaced the older 727-200 and the discontinued

McDonnell Douglas MD-80 on most North American Fleets. The -800 entered service

in 1998 and competes in the same class with the Airbus A320. American Airlines, Inc

commonly referred to as American, is a major American Airline, headquartered in Fort

Worth, Texas. It is the world's largest airline when measured by fleet size, revenue,

scheduled passsenger-kilometers flown and number of destinations served.

American together with its regional partners operates an extensive international

and domestic network with an average of nearly 6,700 flights per day to nearly 350

destinations in more than 50 countries. This Die-cast metal airplane model comes

in 1:300 scale with plastic stand and is approximately 5 1/2 inches long with 4 1/2 inch

wingspan. Adult Collectible ages 14+

AVION INFLIGHT Taca / Boeing 737-200 / YS-08C / EAV08 / 1:200

El Aviador Taca (Primer 737) "Barlovento" B737-200 YS-08C Escala 1:200
B737-200. *Las dimensiones de la aeronave real son 30.53m de longitud y 28.35m 
de envergadura (distancia entre las puntas de las alas). La escala 1:200 reduce 
el tamaño de la aeronave 200 veces, manteniendo las proporciones reales.

El Boeing 737-200 es un avión de pasajeros bimotor de fuselaje estrecho con una 
capacidad máxima de hasta 125 pasajeros. Está equipado con dos motores turbofan
 Pratt & Whitney JT8D, que brindan un rendimiento confiable y eficiente. 
El avión presenta un diseño de ala de gran sustentación, que proporciona un 
excelente rendimiento de despegue y aterrizaje. El 737-200 es capaz de operar
 desde pistas cortas, lo que lo hace ideal para su uso en aeropuertos regionales. 
El avión cuenta con un sistema de flaps de vanguardia, que proporciona una gran 
sustentación durante el despegue y el aterrizaje, y un sistema de tren de 
aterrizaje hidráulico, que proporciona un aterrizaje suave y estable. 
El 737-200 es una versión ampliada del 737-100, que ofrece capacidad de 
asientos y volumen de carga adicionales. Fue diseñado para rutas de corta 
y media distancia.



AVION INFLIGHT Avianca / Airbus A319 / N751AV / IF319AV0423 / 1:200

Brand: Inflight200

Airline: Avianca

Model: Airbus A319

SKU: IF319AV0423

Register: N751AV

Country: Colombia

Scale: 1:200

Dimensions: 6.60 x 2.30 x 6.61 inches

Weight: 2.1 pounds

Stand: Yes

AVION INFLIGHT Avianca / Airbus A320-214 / N954AV / IF320AV0824 / 1:200

Brand: Inflight200


Airline: Avianca


Model: Airbus A320


SKU:  IF320AV0824


Register: N954AV 


Country: Colombia


Dimensions: 7.73 x 6.65 x 2.29 inches


Weight: 2.1 pounds


Stand: Included

AVION INFLIGHT Taca / Airbus A320 / N682TA / EAV682 / 1:200

Brand: Inflight200

Airline: TACA Airlines

Model: Airbus A320-200 


Register: N682TA

Country: El Salvador

Dimensions: 7.33 x 6.65 x 2.29 inches

Weight: 2.1 pounds

Stand: included

  • Modelo de fundición a presión premium: Hecho de metal fundido a presión de alta calidad.
  • Diseño auténtico: Modelo a escala 1:200 altamente detallado y preciso del Airbus A320,
  • con pintura y marcas realistas.
  • Modelo coleccionable: un gran artículo coleccionable para cualquier entusiasta o
  • coleccionista de aviones, y una excelente adición a cualquier colección.
  • Regalo perfecto: regalo ideal para cumpleaños, vacaciones o cualquier ocasión especial
  • para cualquier persona que ama los aviones o colecciones de modelos.